Poetry By Diane Seuss
Red ass, purple heels, four Chihuahuas | Self-Portrait with Herbarium
Red ass, purple heels, four Chihuahuas | Self-Portrait with Herbarium
Lake Michigan, Scene #24014.241a34d2a
thanato-death-venustra-woman-phobia-fear is my fear of being killed by a woman
Evolution | Zero Media | Time Is a Dare
The Sonnet District | Sonnet for a Tall Flower Blooming at Dinnertime | Boy in the Forest Between Living & Leaving
Paper Boats
Z | The Crown Prosecutor at the Farmer’s Market
Tamir Rice | whatever wilderness contained there | GameStop | Crow’s Head with Red Dahlias
In the typical way we search for lost persons these days, via Google, I try to find Robert Hashima. There seems to be. . .
I am found ONE BURNING AFTERNOON, deep in the sand of the NUBIAN DESERT, in the uplands heading towards the RED SEA…
I slept in another town, far from the strawberry fields, so as not to hear the sobbing…
I attempt to eat a three-and-a-half pound, seven-patty cheeseburger, so that it may be named in my honor. I’ve been practicing for weeks…
We were living at the far western edge of St. Louis, within walking distance of a twenty-three acre lake that disappeared mysteriously overnight. Millions…
Years collapse. Breaks in the relationship are not counted. There is no longer any time that was spent apart. Even when absent…
When my father talks about his years of drifting in and out of homelessness, he is quick to remind me of how lucky he…
My poor best friend. Her wealth. So real. Concrete. Last week, I saw her for a drink. We met in the suburbs…