Poetry by Matthew Tuckner

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

There was always something—goose, snow, bomb

falling in factions from the patchwork sky.

Feelings of grief were shared in the healing circle.

We lost sixteen species of tanager,

a deckle-edged copy of Measure for Measure.

Riding our gondolas to the aneurysmal altitudes

of ice-mantled cliffsides, tracking

the growth of our terrariums

squirming with blister beetles, we smelled

our funny smells, & drank our banana slushies,

half-laughing, half-crying, as the casket-lift

lowered the last of our caskets into the earth.

We didn’t know how much we would miss us.

To soothe us, the mannequin we called mother

bought us a stuffed, baby mammoth.

Matthew Tuckner received his MFA in Creative Writing at NYU and is currently a PhD candidate in English/Creative Writing at University of Utah. His debut collection of poems, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, is forthcoming from Four Way Books. His chapbook, Extinction Studies, is the winner of 2023 Sixth Finch Chapbook Prize. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in AGNI, American Poetry Review, Kenyon Review, The Nation, The Adroit Journal, and Best New Poets 2023, among others.

Insta and X: @Tuckner_Matthew